Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today is my (and Howie's) anniversary. I have known him for 20 years, and we've been married for 19. Love changes, but he is still my friend, advisor, and the rock that I depend on. One reason I married him is he was always there when I needed him. Oh, he can exasperate and frustrate the hell out of me with his habits and attitudes. But at the core, he is dependable and he does care, even if his way of showing it sometimes is to treat me like a child. For better or for worse, we are and have been in it for the long haul. I try to appreciate him while I have him, because odds are that someday I will go on without him. I am an independent, stubborn creature; but I have to admit that marriage is what has shaped me for the past two decades. I am able to take my flights of fancy partly (or mostly) because I have solid backup. I am grateful for that. So, Happy Anniversary Howie! And many more!

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